
Healthcare Worker In-demand Occupation

The International Healthcare Workers EOI system is open to the following Health sector occupations:

NOC Occupation Titles
12111 Health Information Management Practitioner
21120 Public and environmental health and safety professionals
22232 Occupational health and safety specialists
31301 Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse
31201 Chiropractors
31302 Nurse Practitioner
32103 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
31303 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31120 Pharmacist
31112 Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
31202 Physiotherapists
32109 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
31203 Occupational Therapist
32120 Medical laboratory technologists
32121 Medical radiation technologists
32122 Medical sonographers
32123 Cardiology Technologist and Electrophysiological Diagnostic Technologist
32124 Pharmacy Technician
32129 Other medical technologists and technicians
33103 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
32212 Dental technologists and technicians
33100 Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
32101 Licensed practical nurses
32102 Paramedical occupations
33109 Other assisting occupations in support of health services
33102 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates
31200 Psychologists
41301 Therapists in counselling and related to specialized therapies

Express Entry Occupations in Demand

SR Occupation NOC 2021 Code TEER Catagory
1 Audiologists and speech language pathologists 31112 1
2 Chiropractors 31201 1
3 Dentists 31110 1
4 Dieticians and nutritionists 31121 1
5 Education counsellors 41320 1
6 General practitioners and family physicians 31102 1
7 Instructors of persons with disabilities 42203 2
8 Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment 31204 1
9 Licensed practical nurses 32101 2
10 Massage therapists 32201 2
11 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations 33101 3
12 Medical laboratory technologists 32120 2
13 Medical radiation technologists 32121 2
14 Medical sonographers 32122 2
15 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates 33102 3
16 Nurse practitioners 31302 1
17 Nursing coordinators and supervisors 31300 1
18 Occupational therapists 31203 1
19 Optometrists 31111 1
20 Other assisting occupations in support of health services 33109 3
21 Other practitioners of natural healing 32209 2
22 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating 31209 1
23 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment 32109 2
24 Paramedical occupations 32102 2
25 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants 33103 3
26 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals 31303 1
27 Physiotherapists 31202 1
28 Psychologists 31200 1
29 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 31301 1
30 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists 32103 2
31 Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine 31100 1
32 Specialists in surgery 31101 1
33 Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies 41301 1
34 Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists 32200 2
35 Veterinarians 31103 1

Health occupations

NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S
0311Managers in Health CareA7 
3131Pharmacists *A7
3132Dietitians* and nutritionistsA7
3141Audiologists and speech-language  pathologists  *A7
3142Physiotherapists *A7
3143Occupational therapists *A7
3211Medical laboratory technologists  *B7
3212Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’  assistantsB5
3213Animal health technologists  and  veterinary techniciansB5
3214Respiratory therapists,  clinical  perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists  *B7
3215Medical radiation  technologists  *B5
3219Other medical technologists  and  technicians  (except dental health)B5
3222Dental hygienists  and  dental  therapists *B7
3236Massage therapistsB5